Beschreibung The School for Gods. This Book is a map and an escape plan. When existence grips you in a vice so you cannot breathe, as it has done with me, when you are hopelessly disappointed by your life and do not see any way out, this Book will find you, will appear in your hands and you will know that you are ready for your Individual Revolution, for the greatest adventure a man can possibly imagine: The regaining of his integrity, of his paradise lost. This Book is the story of my attempt to get out of the rut of a predetermined, collective destiny and be an individual. On this journey back to the Essence, I have had to undertake the impossible endevour to shuffle off the mortal ballast of the darkest parts of my Being: Destructive thoughts, negative emotions, second-hand convictions and ideas. As most ordinary people, I used to think about my life and talk about it as if it were only made up of external events. However, on the journey to ‘conquer myself’ I had to acknowledge that the events and outer conditions of our life are no more than a reflection of our emotions, thoughts and beliefs, a materialisation of our Being. There is a cause-effect relationship between inner life and external world, between Timelessness and Time. All what we feel, all our passions, thoughts and fantasies, our hopes, ambitions, secrets, memories and imaginations, fears and uncertainties and all our sensations, attractions, desires, loves and aversions belong to the impalpable but very real world of Being. The level of our Being can make us wealthy or poor, can make us happy or miserable.
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